Making Earth Day Everyday: A Practice in Ahimsa (+ A Free Guided Meditation!)
Yoga means union, and you may have noticed a deeper sense of connectedness occurring within you and around you when you practice yoga. Connections to ourselves, our communities, and our Earth all become deepened through the mindful awareness that we practice in yoga. Maybe your practice brings you closer to the blossoming of the trees in Spring, to the feeling of the wind and the sun on your skin, or to the ground below you supporting and steadying you.
Through yoga, we can practice connecting with and becoming aware of Earth’s beauty. But yoga urges us to take this connection a step further, to practice non-harming through all of our words and actions. We learn this from the first yama (moral observance) on the yogic path, ahimsa.
Ahimsa is first yama (the first limb of yoga). Ahimsa means non-violence, or non-harming, in all our words and actions, towards all beings.
Ahimsa asks us to be mindful of our words, thoughts, and actions, and to treat all beings with respect. Our planet is the most precious resource we have, and it is imperative that we treat the Earth with respect so it can continue providing for and nurturing us for many generations to come. To do this, we must practice ahimsa towards the Earth.
A guiding principle in practicing ahimsa towards the Earth is the 7th generation principle. This principle comes from ancient, indigenous philosophy from the Iroquois Confederacy. The 7th generation principle urges us to consider how our decisions will impact future generations.
“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”
Sit and meditate on this principle, and invite it into all of your actions you take on this Earth. Consider their impact. As yoga practitioners practicing non-harming, we must combat the effects of consumerism to leave this world a better place than we found it, to leave this Earth in a state in which it can provide for the next 7 generations.
So, what are some ways that we can practice ahimsa towards the Earth— not only today on Earth Day, but everyday? (P.S. some of these recommendations may include affiliate links, meaning I may make a small commission if you purchase.)
Opt for sustainable and reusable alternatives to products
Notice where you’re using single-use plastics or other harmful materials that can be swapped and replaced within your lifestyle. Two simple places to start are using reusable bags at the grocery store (I love these tote bags designed by independent artists) and bringing your own reusable straw and silverware when you eat out or grab coffee. Try to make these simple swaps in your everyday life to lessen your environmental footprint.
Support local (and organic)
Buying local helps to support our communities and local economies, as well as creates less pollution through the shipping process. And when we buy organic products, we keep pesticides out of our soil and water, which also lessens pollution. It’s important to recognize that not everyone has the means to shop local and organic, but if you do, hit up your local farmer’s market and choose products that will help sustain our planet in the long-run. Also, when you shop local and organic, you help show the food industry that sustainably-made products are in-demand.
Buy secondhand (yoga clothing swap, anyone?)
Not only does buying secondhand prolong the life of products and keep them out of landfills, but it can also be an amazing way to find affordable treasures! Be mindful about if you need new products or clothing, but try to shop for them secondhand when you do. You can shop at local thrift stores and garage sales, or from secondhand shops online. You can also see if your local community is hosting any clothing swaps, or try arranging one! If you aren’t shopping secondhand, try to choose products that are sustainably made and durable so they will serve you for a long time to come (my favorite sustainable activewear company is Girlfriend Collective, and I highly recommend checking them out).
Choose to walk or bike rather than drive
Walking, biking, and using public transportation are all more eco-friendly ways to get where you need to go than driving. Of course, these options won’t always be possible, but when they are— take advantage of them! Not only will these transportation methods often be healthier for you and allow you to get your body moving, but they’ll reduce your carbon footprint and help to create a more sustainable Earth.
Use your dollars and your vote mindfully
There is only so much we can do as individuals, and while I encourage you to take those small, yet impactful, personal steps to sustainability and ahimsa, we need to act with our dollars and our vote to protect the Earth. Give your money to companies that are transparent in their environmental practices and actively contributing to a cleaner Earth. Vote for representatives that care about the environment and have shown their dedication to bettering the Earth through policy.
I hope that these recommendations help you to take steps towards ahimsa, or non-harming, towards the Earth. Be mindful of the 7th generation principle as you move through your days. Evaluate your own values and practices when it comes to the Earth to ensure that you are acting in a way that shows respect, gratitude, and kindness to a planet that serves us every single day.
And in honor of Earth Day, I invite you to join me for a grounding meditation to connect to the Earth. You can listen along below, and I hope that this practice allows you to cultivate a deeper connection and kindness to the Earth not only today, but everyday.